Wednesday 19 October 2011

Vanilla Extract

Pure Vanilla Extract is really expensive to buy.  For the amount of baking that I do it would cost me a fortune every year so I make my own.  It is so simple I can't believe that everyone doesn't do it!

All it takes is a bottle of vodka and 10 vanilla beans.

I split the vanilla beans down the centre so that the vodka can penetrate the fragrant seeds that are in the inside quicker.  Somebody told me that this will speed up the process but I don't know if it actually does.  (If you split the beans you will have little black floaties in the finished vanilla but that doesn't bother me.  I think that this shows that you used real vanilla.)

Pour an ounce out of the vodka bottle, add some orange juice and drink it.  You need to make room for the vanilla beans and you don't want to waste it.

Put the split vanilla beans into the vodka bottle. 

And you are done!

Put it on a shelf in a dark cupboard and shake it once a week or so.  In six week it will be ready to use.  The longer you let it sit the stronger it will be.  I always have one that I am using and one that is steeping in the cupboard.
The finished product!  I started this one about 6 months ago.

Questions & Answers (because I know you have them).

Q.  What size bottle of vodka did you use?
A,  This is a 750ml bottle.

Q.  Can you use a different sized bottle of vodka?
A.  Yes, I use this one because the bigger one doesn't fit on my pantry shelf.  The bigger the bottle you use the more beans you should use.

Q.  Does it have to be vodka?
A.  No.  My dad uses rum and it turns out great.

Q.  Where do you get the vanilla beans?
A.  I order them from Top  They have some good quality beans for a good price.


  1. LOVE THIS. Thank you so much for this, i was thinking about this today and wondering about splitting the vanilla beans as I have never done that. I have to get on this. Thanks again.

  2. Great post! I've been doing this for months and I bake a lot - I can't imagine buying all those tiny little bottles ever again.
