Thursday 15 September 2011

Sunflower Cupcakes

We had our year end garden potluck last week.  Which had me thinking - What should I contribute?  Then I decided on cupcakes decorated like sunflowers!
Rob made a batch of our favourite chocolate cupcakes. 

I made a vanilla icing that I tinted yellow with a couple shakes of tumeric.  You don't need a lot of tumeric a little bit will do it.  The tinted icing will initially be a pale yellow colour but as it sits it will deepen.  If you plan ahead you can let it sit over night for a beautiful yellow colour.  I never plan that far ahead though.

I also made a chocolate icing.  I put it in a piping bag and used a star tip.  I put one chocolate dolop in the centre of each cupcake.  I then put the yellow in another piping bag and using the same tip, I did the circle around the chocolate one.

Easy peasy and they tasted pretty good.

1 comment:

  1. Love it! So cute! I'm so going to use this idea! I also blog about the Feingold Diet, at
