Sunday 19 June 2011

Father's Day

It was a pretty busy day here at our house.  We started the day by going strawberry picking.  We ended up picking just over 10 lbs of strawberries! 

What do you do with that many strawberries? 

Make jam of course! 

17 cups of jam later...(much to Nick's relief we did save lots for dessert).  To make our jam I use a pectin called Pomona's Universal Pectin.  There is nothing "yucky" in it and it makes great jam.

After that, we went to our garden and picked radishes and onions and did a tonne of weeding.  No pictures of that, it was pretty boring.  By the time we finished that it was time to make a special supper for Rob for Father's Day.

Oven fried chicken, radish salad, green salad and pesto rice.  Mmmm. 

We have an abundance of radishes in our garden.  Really more than 4 people can eat plain so I sliced them super thin, added sliced green onions and made a vinegrette to toss them in.

1/2 cup olive oil
1/4 cup of blueberry basil vinegar
1 tsp dijon mustard
1 tsp of sugar
pinch of salt

I love that we live in an area that we can eat so much that is grown locally.  The greens for the salad and the flavoured vinegars are from Mulberry Hill Farm, which is the CSA that we get fresh veggies and eggs from every week.  The pesto was made by us last summer with basil that we grew in our own garden and then we used garlic from Mulberry Hill Farm.

After supper it was down to the beach for us.  We love going there and walking the board walk and pier or just people watching.
Happy Father's Day Rob!

And not to leave out my Father.  Happy Father's Day Dad!

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