Tuesday 31 May 2011

Ice Cream Pie

It is hot here.  Too hot to turn the oven on and bake a cake for Rob's birthday so I made him an ice cream pie.  Chocolate peanut butter pie with a cookie crust to be exact.  It didn't take many ingredients and was pretty easy to make.

I started with a box of Late July Vanilla Bean with Green Tea sandwich cookies (they are better than Oreos in my book).  I whirled them in the food processor with a couple tablespoons of melted butter.  I pressed that into a pie plate and put in the freezer to set.

In the Kitchen Aid bowl I mixed softened chocolate ice cream with cut up peanut butter cups.  I then poured that into the prepared cookie crust.  I then put it in the freezer for a couple hours to firm up.  Later I melted some chocolate chips in the microwave and put it in a plastic sandwich bag.  I cut the corner off the baggie and drizzled the melted chocolate on top of the pie.

Done!  I put it back in the freezer until after supper.  It was great!  Everyone loved it.

1 comment:

  1. Your blog looks good! We are making an ice cream cake for my DH's birthday on Thursday.

    Susan W from FG BB
